All About POLST Forms

If you are concerned about the way that you will be treated in the event of an emergency, then it may be worth if to create a POLST which will dictate your care in these situations. POLST stands for Physicians Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment, and has to do with orders concerning emergency care. This is an important form that can be created in connection with other healthcare and estate planning documents you may want to draft for the future. POLST Forms typically have to with the emergency procedures you do not want to undergo in the event of an emergency.

For examples, some people will declare that if it was evener necessary, they would prefer not to receive a tracheotomy because of the risks associated with this procedures. Others may declare that they don't want to undergo open heart surgery in the event of an emergency, and still others may declare that they would not like an organ transplant if the surgery is deemed necessary. All POLST forms must be signed by a doctor, so it is essential that you work on this document with a phsyicians by your side.

Oftentimes POLST forms are a lot like DNRs (do not resuscitate forms.) This is because the forms always concern wither or not a person wants to receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the event of an accident. Some POLST forms will discuss other medical interventions such as feeding tubes, antibiotic use or intubation. All men and women have the right to dictate concerning these preferences. As long as a doctor has dictated the process, all emergency personnel are required to comply with the firms.

There are some states that don't allow for POLST Forms, but if your state is one of these there are always going to be alternatives. POLST forms concern end-of-life care, and every single state has documents which detail this process. If you want to cover the same ground as would be listed in a POLST form but are not sure how, then you need to explore the option of drafting a living will. This is a document that will provide for you if you become incapacitated and unable to speak for yourself. Living wills are often called advanced directives and health care declarations in other states.

These wills do not deal with your assets and the distribution of your property, so it is important to remember that if you create a living will you will still want to leave a conventional will or living trust to handle your financial and tangible possessions. You can also discuss the terms that would be involved in a POLST Form by using a durable power of attorney for health care. This appoints someone to be your health care agent and make all health care decisions for you. You can then leave your agent instructions as to how he or she is supposed to make these decisions. If you want to create any of these medical care documents, you will want an attorney there to assist you.

It is never wise to embark on a legal journey without an attorney there. You can also create a DNR order, which basically contains instructions for emergency medical personal when discussing the possibility of CPR. If you issue a DNR, you are declaring that you do not want to be resuscitated if your heart stops beating. You can also determine that you don't want any invasive emergency techniques or artificial breathing tubes set up in order to preserve your life. If you want more information about these various health care planning documents, or are looking for a lawyer who can assist you in creating these documents, use this directory to locate a probate attorney near you. Planning for your future is essential. Start working through your preferences for end-of-life care and the future of your assets!